Best Kids Activities

It’s time for a family affair! Woop! Woop! Get your kids off their iPads and shove them in the car, because these adrenaline pumping fun zones have so much more to offer than a 10” screen. Parents, we won’t fault you if you want to become 8 all over again and get in on the kids mania.

Here are five of our best picks to start your family off with.

Bubble Bump Soccer

Need a good way for your kids to get out of their virtual world and digital bubble? Get into a bubble, literally. Here’s a new twist to football, where each player’s body from the knees up gets completely bubble wrapped. And when the whistle blows, every bubble-wrapped player starts chasing the ball! The most fun part of it all is that if you try to do a Messi, you might end up getting bumped in a confused mess and you become the ball that starts rolling. Best of all, there’s not only Bubble Bump Soccer; there are over 10 types of Bubble sports like Bubble Bump Bowling, Bubble Bump Invasion and more.

Get balled up and bumped at, at the only three outlets in town at Seng Poh Road, Jalan Benaan and Kovan Sports Centre!

MegaZip Adventure Park

It’s mega the fun at Sentosa, here at the island’s most exciting adventure park. Adventure comes in five courses here, and are also known as MegaZip, MegaClimb, MegaJump, MegaWall and MegaBounce. The main attraction is definitely the MegaZip, where you will literally, zip across the pristine beaches and lush green jungle canopy from a wire zip line 75-metres above ground. Your flight of fancy can reach a top speed of 60km/h as you whizz by with a bird’s eye view of breathtaking nature. Definitely not for the faint-hearted! There are also four other adventures to consider in various degrees of thrill, so there’s always something for those seeking a gripping and jaw-dropping experience, as well as the ones seeking something a little more family-friendly for a weekend of adrenaline-pumping fun.

Saber Tag

This is what you get when Star Wars meets Laser Tag. You wield light sabers instead of laser guns in a bid to score hits on your enemy’s electronic scoring vests. With two teams pitted against each other in (a game of) combat, this is a battle of wits as much as it is a battle of the Force. Certainly not wise to go at it Solo. Bring the young Padawans. For ineffable joy by the end of the session, you shall see. Great fun to be had, this is.

There are three outlets for legendary battles to be fought and won: Seng Poh Road, Jalan Benaan and Kovan Sports Centre.

Curly & Spike

Hey there, good looking. Have you checked out Curly & Spike yet? While your kids may still be learning the math and sciences in school, it doesn’t hurt to impart this soft skill to start them off ahead of their peers: creating first impressions matter.

And in order for first impressions to matter, it behooves you to present yourself well on the outside.

Enter Curly & Spike, then, a kids styling salon that is more than just about haircuts and make-up. It’s about a whole new attitude. Seat your child into the chair and watch the master stylists work their magic with hair colours and crazy new ‘dos. In case children get bored while the stylists are at it, there are movies and Xbox games to keep them occupied. Before they know it, they’re groomed to become the future top model or magazine cover boy.

Combat Archery

Archery is a fast becoming one of the coolest sport, in our opinion. It has been made so breathtakingly cool on both big and small screens. We’re talking about The Hunger Games and CW Network’s Green Arrow. With three outlets at Seng Poh Road, Jalan Benaan and Kovan Sports Centre, Combat Archery gives your kids the opportunity to live out their arrow flitting fantasies, shooting down targets with precision and style. This team-based tactical game can take place both indoors and outdoors and players are issued special foam tipped arrows for a round of safe, painless fun.

Pssst, there are more innovative sports and games to keep your kids entertained! Isn’t it great we mentioned the word ‘entertained’ because if you’re seeking to do that, all you need to do is to download the ENTERTAINER app to find great deals and promotions on kids’ activities.

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